OIL PULLING - Make your teeth sparkle without using a tooth brush! plus other benefits!!

Prior to the invention of tooth brush in 1938, various methods were used in maintaining dental health one of which was the use of chew sticks by ancient civilizations as far back as 3000 BC and also oil pulling rooted in Ayurvedic medicine (considered the world's oldest medical system)
which originated in India about 3000-5000 years ago.

What is Oil Pulling?
Oil pulling is an oral detoxification method that involves swishing of oil (usually sesame, coconut or sunflower) in the mouth for some minutes to absorb ('pull out') harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Oil pulling (also known as Kavala or gundusha) originated India and was first introduced to the United States in the early 1990s by a medical doctor named Dr. F. Karach.

How does it work?
The oils work by attracting the lipid layer of bacteria membranes and cause it to stick or get attracted and pulled to the oil. The oils also contain antioxidants which kill micro organisms such as bacteria.

Benefits of Oil Pulling
  • Whiter and Sparkling teeth
  • Removes Dental Plaque
Oil pulling has been shown to be more effective than flossing in removing dental plaque by getting rid of bacteria that causes dental plaque.
  • Healthy Gum
Oil pulling is very beneficial in maintaining your gum and reducing your chances of having gingivitis. Gingivitis which is caused mainly by plaque can be prevented by oil pulling as these oils will coat the teeth and gingiva and inhibit bacterial co-aggregation and plaque formation. In an experiment at the Maharishi International College in Fairfield, Iowa, students who rinsed their mouth with sesame oil, were found to have a 85% reduction in the bacteria that causes gingivitis.
  • Prevents Halitosis (bad breath)
Bad breath caused by left over food particles in the mouth, decomposed by bacteria can be prevented by oil pulling as it aids to 'flush off' bacteria and any left over food particle in the mouth.
  • Prevents Dental Carries or cavities
Dental Caries (tooth decay) is a breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria. Oil pulling especially with coconut oil inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans which is known to cause dental caries. See- Coconut oil inhibits caries

According to Indian medical belief, because the tongue is connected to many organs such as the heart kidney, lungs, stomach, oesophagus, liver, spine etc.; oil pulling has some impacts on overall health and general wellbeing.
Although this claim is supported by a plethora of anecdotal evidences of people who say oil pulling helped them with skin conditions, arthritis, headaches, hormone imbalances, bloating, indigestion, asthma and more, there are no scientific studies to serve as proof.
However, since bacteria and infection can enter the body through the mouth and contribute to the development or progression of systemic diseases such as tuberculosis, it makes sense to say that by addressing these harmful micro organisms that enter our body through the mouth, a positive impact can be felt in other parts of the body and overall health enhanced.

Which Oil should be used for Oil Pulling?
As earlier mentioned sesame, coconut, sunflower and olive oil can be used.
Sesame oil is recommended by most sources (maybe because it was the traditionally used one when the practice first started years ago) and it is also the most well studied and considered safe for those who are not allergic to sesame seeds. Olive oil is sometimes used, though some sources claim that it is too harsh for the teeth. 
But in terms of taste coconut oil is preferable. Beside Coconut oil has high saponification index. It contains lauric acid which can react with alkalis present in saliva such as sodium hydroxide and bicarbonates to form sodium laureate-soap like substance, which reduces plaque adhesion and accumulation, and possesses cleansing action. Also it is most effective in whitening the teeth and as mentioned earlier more effective in inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans which causes dental caries.
In essence make sure the oil is edible, you are not allergic to it and avoid using any high Omega-6 or chemically created oils like vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, etc.

Oil Pulling procedures
Oil pulling is best done in the morning before eating or drinking anything.
  1. Put 1-2 table spoons of oil into your mouth.
  2. Swish for 20 minutes. Note timing is key. Swishing for less than 20 minutes might not produce the desired result as sufficient bacteria might not be absorbed and swishing for more than 20 minutes puts you at risk of reabsorbing these bacteria. However, if its your first time, you might feel irritated and uncomfortable and might not be able to swish for 20 minutes. Don't stress it, as time goes on, you will get used to it. But avoid swallowing the oil so you don't end up ingesting the bacteria you intended to get rid of.
  3. After 20 minutes the oil should be thicker and milky due to emulsification. Spit the content of your mouth into a trash can. Do not spit into the sink as the oil now full of bacteria and pus may thicken and clog the pipe.
  4. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Some people prefer to use salt water which they say rinses the mouth better which I think is true because salt serving as an impurity in the water reduces it surface tension hence makes it dissolve the oily remnants more. Whichever way do ensure to rinse your mouth to remove any left over of oil and bacteria.
  5. Brush your teeth (optional)
Is Oil Pulling Safe?
Yes! oil pulling is safe as long as you
  • don't swallow the oil after swishing in your mouth
  • use the specified oil. Remember don't use oils that are not edible and oil with high omega-6 content
  • don't use oil that you are allergic to.
Having looked at the benefits of oil pulling, I suggest you give it try and see how your oral health improves. And for those who wanna try it for the first time I suggest multitasking, (for example while taking your bath) to enable you keep the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and ease the wait!

OIL PULLING - Make your teeth sparkle without using a tooth brush! plus other benefits!! OIL PULLING - Make your teeth sparkle without using a tooth brush! plus other benefits!! Reviewed by Daniel Ihechimere on January 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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OIL PULLING - Make your teeth sparkle without using a tooth brush! plus other benefits!!

Prior to the invention of tooth brush in 1938, various methods were used in maintaining dental health one of which was the use of che...

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